Monday, April 11, 2005

Grey's Anatomy posts

It now appears that the primary source of search traffic leading to my blog (aside from the occasional "bifid penis" or "severed penis" search -- why did I ever have to mention the word penis?) relates to Grey's Anatomy. In the interest of increasing my blog's navigability, therefore, I have added a little drop-down menu just beneath my profile box on this main page that links to all of my Grey's Anatomy posts. As always, I aim to please.

Also, I stumbled upon a local Seattle blog that offers some insight into the dubious geography of the show, as well as other Seattle-related info.


At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you're doing good work there. I have a blog too, but I guess I'll add my comments here since your blog has already gained popularity among Grey's Anatomy fans. :)

Say, I was thinking of the scene where Meredith was busy resuscitating an asystolic patient, she used a defibrillator. AFAIK, defibrillators aren't used if a patient is asystolic...

Of course, I'm only a dumb medic. :p

At 12:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ack, it's me, Shirley. I forgot to add my name to that comment above.

At 1:16 PM, Blogger Ian said...

Yeah, Shirley, you're absolutely right about not using the defibrillator if the patient is in asystole. I saw that scene too, and I seem to remember somebody shouting, "The patient is in A-fib!" So I suspect that whoever writes the show is aware that cardioverter/defibrillators are for patients with arrythmia and not asystole, but still couldn't resist showing the flatline cardiac monitor -- one of the most tense, dramatic elements of any medical emergency scene.

At 1:17 PM, Blogger Ian said...

BTW Shirley -- where's your blog?

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hm... I didn't seem to remember the shouting part. I just noticed the flatline on the monitor. :)

My blog

Many of the entries are protected from the general public (meaning that you would need a Livejournal account for me to approve before you can read everything) because I tend to rant about medschool and the people in it. I mean, I certainly don't want to get caught with incriminating remarks on my blog. :)


At 10:40 AM, Blogger L said...

it could be worse... I always get searches for "huge scrotum photos" and pony play/human furniture fetishes....


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